BSP Worker Spotlight: LAX & Infectious Disease Courses

Johnny has been working at LAX since 1977 and has been employed with G2 Secure Staff for the last 20 years. He has enjoyed seeing the airport industry transform over the years. 

He is a member of BSP’s Emergency Preparedness Training program. Recently, Johnny shared with a class how much he appreciates the information he has received through these courses. 

In particular, Johnny finds BSP’s Infectious Disease curriculum helpful, jokingly stating: “these classes have taught me that I haven’t been washing my hands right all these years!” On a more serious note, Johnny acknowledges that the information obtained in BSP programs helped him to get vaccinated against COVID-19. 

 “I am proud that I got vaccinated, because I was a person that didn’t trust vaccines,” he said. 

 Johnny admitted that he was influenced by negative comments from family, friends and social acquaintances, saying: “I didn’t know better, I only listened to false information and believed it. Taking BSP classes and getting factual information has made me question what I hear and look for the truth. I went and got my Covid vaccine and now, I will go back to get my shingles vaccine and the flu shot for the first time ever.” 

Johnny mentioned that learning about how viruses are spread and how vaccines work has given him comfort, and has also helped him to get rid of his fears and mistrust in vaccines. He is now encouraging coworkers to get vaccinated. 

BSP has partnered with SEIU-USWW, employers, The Sierra Health Foundation and the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency to assist workers in navigating the vaccine’s roll-out in their region. Together, we can stop the spread of COVID-19 by getting the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine.

The BSP hotline number is for participants and USWW members who have questions and/or concerns about COVID-19 and would like additional information and tips for protecting oneself and their family. Please call +1 (408) 430-3314 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. If you call at other times, please leave a message.

BSP’s high-road programs are part of the California Workforce Development Board’s High Road Training Partnership, which is funded through California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health, and the environment — particularly in disadvantaged communities.


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