IDC Training Graduation - Northern CA

IDC Training Graduates - Northern California

Congratulations to recent graduates of BSP’s Infectious Disease Certification (IDC) program! These individuals located in the Bay Area are RCC-BGM evening porters at the Apple campus in Cupertino, California. This group completed 12 hours of BSP’s IDC course and final examination, receiving certification and "Infectious Disease Certified/Worker Safety is Public Health" insignia to recognize their accomplishments. 

A special thanks to industry partner RCC-BGM for their commitment to BSP programs that facilitate upskilling opportunities for these valuable property service workers. Together, BSP and its industry partners are an example of a high road training partnership (HRTP) that facilitates rewarding educational opportunities for employees.

Property service workers are frontline individuals who play a critical role in protecting the health of workplaces and their occupants across the nation. The recognition of these workers as an essential workforce has moved to the forefront during the 2020 public health crisis and will continue to be in the limelight as we open our society to business and movement. Building Skills Partnership (BSP) developed the Infectious Disease Certification Program to adapt cleaning and maintenance practices to today’s rapidly evolving health and safety measures. 

Through the guidance and advisory of its partners, the SEIU-USWW, responsible janitorial employers and workers, BSP created the Infectious Disease Certification Program that equips property service workers with the knowledge to protect their own health and safety and that of building occupants. BSP engaged subject matter experts - UCLA LOSH, UC Berkeley LOHP and The Ashkin Group - to create a comprehensive certification program that recognizes the need for continuous training and upskilling of workers in the property service industry. 

BSP programs are designed to develop high-road industry-driven partnerships that provide equity, sustainability, and job quality through skills strategies designed to support economically and resilient communities. BSP programs include infectious disease certification, environmentally sustainable cleaning program, financial capabilities courses, English as a second language (ESL), digital literacy, citizenship & civic engagement, health and wellness, and parenting engagement programming. 

BSP’s high-road programs are part of the California Workforce Development Board’s High Road Training Partnership, which is funded through California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health, and the environment — particularly in disadvantaged communities.


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BSP Board Chair: Janna Shadduck-Hernandez