Girls in Tech

Latino parents and children in front of large tv screen smiling and holding certificates in Los Angeles

Web Development Sumer Camp for Girls in LA

Girls in Tech! In collaboration with SEIU-USWW, BSP was proud to host a web development summer camp for girls in LA. At the week-long seminar, girls learned HTML and CSS coding skills, they developed their first website, and proposed solutions to issues that affect their communities.

As part of BSP’s Digital Literacy initiatives, it is critical to expand opportunities for low-wage communities to include digital access and skills.

These endeavors also integrated with BSP’s Family Engagement and College Readiness programs, which focus on giving BSP workers and their children educational opportunities to support academic success. The initiatives aim to break the cycle of poverty through guidance on navigating the educational system, childhood enrichment opportunities and scholarships. 

A special thanks to the Televisa Foundation, Technolochicas Code It, and the Univision Foundation for this incredible summer camp opportunity for the children of property service workers.

Girl with long brown hair in ponytail pointing to large presentation screen teaching girls in LA

Girls learned important coding skills

Latina girls learning how to code in LA

Students each made their first website


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