Janitor Becomes Digital Literacy Instructor
Andrea Tosado was a janitor who participated in BSP programs. Today, she is a Digital Literacy instructor for the organization!
As a first-generation Latina who grew up in both San Diego and Tijuana, Andrea’s parents are Mexican immigrants who dreamt of a life of success for their children.
In 2022, Andrea was introduced to BSP courses when she was a janitor at a corporate office building in San Diego.
Her workplace offered its property service workers the Green Janitor Education Program (GJEP), which provides a comprehensive curriculum to janitors, who are critical in reducing energy and water consumption throughout operations and maintenance.
“In the program, I learned effective cleaning for offices to help protect the health of the people who work there,” said Andrea.
Andrea Tosado of San Diego, California
Andrea (back row center) with fellow co-workers after receiving the Green Janitor Education Program certification
The Green Janitor Education Program provided Andrea and her coworkers hands-on energy management and green cleaning training, helping janitors earn a seat at the sustainability table while reducing the carbon footprint of commercial office buildings.
Digital Literacy
Andrea then progressed to BSP’s Digital Navigators in 2023, which addresses the needs of property service workers so they have the ability to access online services and guide them through tech and digital education.
In this specific Digital Literacy program, BSP staff recruits janitors and trains them to become Digital Navigators (digital coaches) for their peers.
“It is an educational program for property service workers, and teaches them how to access different skills that could improve their lives and have a better career”, said Andrea. “Not all workplaces give us opportunities to have better skills and grow. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have been given access to these classes.”
BSP Digital Literacy students
BSP Instructor
Andrea; who is fluent in both English and Spanish, was receptive to this digital program, and excellent at helping her co-workers understand the curriculum. As a student, she would help other janitors with tablet navigation, apps, QR codes, online surveys and provided direction with digital skills.
It appeared that the next best transition was to become a Digital Literacy instructor, and in 2024, BSP offered her the position. Andrea is currently the lead San Diego BSP instructor for Chromebook curriculum.
“Being an instructor is a good fit,” said Andrea. “I understand the life of a janitor and their troubles and struggles, so I know how to relate to students. I have the skills and confidence in myself–and I know other people have it too. It is good being in a position to help them bring it out.”
“I aim to develop my expertise in this field as an instructor, and see myself taking on a leadership role where I can inspire others. I was initially part of a janitorial team, and I took advantage from all resources available to start a career. As opportunities arise, I will be open to new experiences.”
BSP asked Andrea a few questions to gain her insight on the important role of janitors:
1.) What does it take to be a good janitor?
“You need to be a good listener. If you listen to your supervisor, co-workers, and understand their duties of your job to work…you can excel. It’s a good work environment and your supervisors and coworkers can be mentors too.”
2.) What do you want the public to know about janitors?
“We do have a voice, although don’t have the same opportunities as others might, we still have a voice. Some examples include the need to learn new skills, conflicting schedules, lack of transportation and education; but we do have a voice and janitors want to grow in their lives and jobs. As a janitor, you’re not there just for cleaning. – It’s a job that offers a good fit with family and life schedules. People are hopeful to continue growing in their careers.”
3.) What advice would you give someone that is interested in being a janitor and also taking classes with BSP?
“Being a janitor is a first step. I want janitors to know that day by day, you will learn. This is just the beginning. Don’t be too comfortable, push yourself harder. There are better careers and opportunities through taking BSP classes. At BSP, there’s different opportunities and we can take advantage of that.”
California Workforce Development Board
These programs are made possible through the generous support of the California Workforce Development Board.
California and the California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) are committed to a High Road vision for the state’s workforce development system, emphasizing job quality, worker voice, equity, and environmental sustainability. This approach supports workers, job-seekers, and industries while strengthening the state’s workforce.
The objectives of the High Road Training Partnership (HRTP) initiative are to increase access to good jobs, create pathways for job growth, meet regional industry needs and center worker voice.