California Maintenance Worker

Mario, a floor care technician in Los Angeles

California and the California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) are committed to a High Road vision for the state’s workforce development system, emphasizing job quality, worker voice, equity, and environmental sustainability. This approach supports workers, job-seekers, and industries while strengthening the state’s workforce.

The objectives of the High Road Training Partnership (HRTP) initiative are to increase access to good jobs, create pathways for job growth, meet regional industry needs and center worker voice.

Building Skills Partnership (BSP) aligns with this vision by providing essential training programs that help janitorial workers develop skills, advance in their careers, and improve their quality of life.

Janitorial work is essential to maintaining clean, healthy, and functional spaces. Through BSP’s training programs, property service workers gain the skills and confidence needed to succeed in their roles while improving their overall quality of life. We are proud to support janitors in their professional journeys and advocate for greater recognition of the vital work they do every day.

In collaboration with CWDB, BSP's Floor Care Program aims to provide property service workers with information on the crucial role of a floor care worker in a commercial property, as well as the use of proper health and safety practices when handling floor care machinery and chemicals on different types of surfaces.

The Floor Care program, created in partnership with industry representatives, offers a 12-hour classroom curriculum in addition to a 3-week on-the job-training.

BSP recently had the chance to connect with Mario, a floor care technician in Los Angeles to ask about his experiences with the upskilling programs.

Floor care is a janitorial specialty due to the large equipment and specific training needed

1.) Which BSP classes have you enjoyed the most and how have they made a difference in your life?

“The ADVANCE Vocational ESL classes have been the most helpful because they helped to improve my communication at work and in daily life. I can now talk to supervisors and co-workers more confidently, and I feel more comfortable handling interactions with those who work at the building. Outside of work, it has helped me with things like shopping, doctor’s visits, and helping my kids with schoolwork.

I have also benefitted from the Green Janitor Education Program (GJEP) where I learn about the proper cleaners to use at work. This program provides green cleaning training and helps janitors reduce the energy use in commercial buildings.”

2.) What do you wish the public would understand about working as a janitor? -- Why is it important or what obstacles do you face?

“Working as a janitor is important. Keeping buildings clean and safe is valuable because it keeps the business people who work there healthy. It makes a workplace happier and healthier for all who come each day. Sometimes, others may not know the contributions janitors make in the world every single day.”

3.) What do you think it takes to be good as a janitor and also keep growing?

“You need to be reliable and pay attention to details. Problems may come up, so you have to be flexible and quick to adapt to support the building where you work. Learning new skills helps with being confident in my work and helps me succeed as a floor care technician.”

4. What advice would you give someone that is interested in being a janitor and also taking classes with BSP?

”If you want to do this job, take the BSP classes—they teach you useful skills that help you do better at work. Speaking English has really helped me secure my position as a floor care technician every year, because I can talk to my supervisor and everyone on my team and in the building. Also, learning about green cleaners and which ones are the best to use is impressive to leaders at commercial buildings. Be ready to work hard, ask questions, and keep learning. It’s meaningful work, and there’s always something new to pick up.”


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