BSP Joins Immigrant Advocates

BSP executives and Program Participants pictured with LA Mayor Eric Garcetti

Building Skills Partnership joined the National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA), in partnership with the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), Service Employment International Union (SEIU), LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, and SEIU-USWW  to launch the “Naturalize 2 Million by 2022!” campaign in Los Angeles, California on Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022 as part of a nationwide effort to encourage two million eligible permanent residents to obtain their citizenship by the end of 2022. 

More than nine million people across the country are eligible permanent residents, and over two million of them live in California.

BSP Executive Director, Luis Sandoval spoke at the media event

As part of the “Naturalize 2 Million by 2022” campaign, NPNA partnered with dozens of cities, counties, and over 50 immigrant and refugee advocacy organizations throughout the nation to educate and empower eligible lawful permanent residents to become citizens. Part of the campaign’s efforts include helping eligible immigrants through the naturalization process and providing educational materials and resources to successfully complete their citizenship. The tour will travel to multiple cities, including Los Angeles, McAllen, San Antonio, Austin, Chicago, Milwaukee, Maryland and New York. 

BSP Executive Director, Luis Sandoval spoke to attendees at a press conference to highlight BSP Citizenship and Civic Engagement programs and the importance of helping workers on their path to naturalization. He joined other esteemed guests on stage, including:

  • Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)

  • David Huerta, president of the Service Employees International Union-United Service Workers West (SEIU-USWW) 

  • Mayor Eric Garcetti, City of Los Angeles

  • Luis Sandoval, Executive Director of Building Service Partnership (BSP) 

  • Mayor Robert Garcia, City of Long Beach

  • Blanca Carias, U.S. Citizenship applicant in the backlog, Homecare Provider, SEIU-Local 2015

  • Elizabeth Lizarraga, newly naturalized citizen, Childcare Provider, SEIU-Local 99

  • Jose Mejia Landaverde, newly naturalized citizen, CHIRLA


Luis Sandoval - Executive Director of BSP


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