2024 BSP Annual Scholarship Gala

Call or email Shannon Cain at 442-224-2295, scain@buildingskills.org for more info

We invite you to the 2024 Building Skills Partnership Annual Scholarship Gala, which will provide financial support to the children of property service workers to obtain a higher education. 

This endeavor will be held on Thursday, November 14th from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at La Plaza De Culturas y Artes  in Downtown Los Angeles, near some of the largest companies in LA. BSP program participants are proud frontline property service workers at these buildings. 

Click here to purchase tickets or give an online donation.

Since 2008, with the donations from individuals, employers, labor and SEIU-USWW, BSP has provided over $445,000 in scholarships to students. 

Your sponsorship ensures the success of Building Skills Partnership programs. We simply can’t do it without you. Your support will make a real, lasting impact in the lives of those who are in need. 

Sponsorship opportunities are listed in the 2024 gala sponsorship deck.


BSP programs help LA sisters


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